

The Fear Factor

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What dream would you ‘go for’ if you absolutely knew that you would make it? What is holding you back? This four day plan will explore four fears you must overcome before you can move toward your purpose, and it will help you break the cycle in your mind of wishing and move into doing.

Seize The Day

How can you have a successful, fulfilled life? You must have successful years and before that, thriving months made up of winning weeks. Ultimately, the way to have a wonderful life is to have fulfilled days. How do you have those days? Three words - Seize the day! To seize the day, you must own the day. This three day plan provides three ways to own your day and gives practical ways to daily build a successful, fulfilled life.

The Clinic - How To Rebound From Setbacks

Have you ever failed or had a setback in life? If so, you need to know how to purposefully move forward and how to win the next time around. In this five day plan, a team of proven achievers will show you how to recover and rebuild. Each day, a different team member answers the question, “What is your best advice to someone who is making a comeback or rebounding in life?”


You are never as far from a miracle as it first appears. We all need miracles and we serve a God of miracles. You are a miracle. Miracles are happening in and around you all the time. Miracles are the supernatural intervention of God in your life. Through this plan, you will learn how to receive the miracle you have been asking for.

When Crisis Hits

One thing about life that we absolutely know: life, work, business, churches - consist of imperfect people, and where there are imperfect people, there will be a crisis. So, either you are in a crisis, or you just came out of one, or you will be in one…. and the key is to know what to do. This plan will provide you direction for when the unexpected happens.

The 10 R's of Relationships

One of our greatest gifts is friendship, and developing authentic friendships can be both extremely challenging and exceedingly rewarding. This 10-day plan will provide key principles to help you navigate your interactions with others and will give you the foundation for creating thriving relationships. 


What are the most important things Christians can do to help build the church, locally and globally? This plan focuses on personal characteristics and building blocks that yield a natural outpouring of commitment and consistency.

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